
I know there's an ocean between us,

and I wish that it weren't true,

for every day when I arise,

I yearn to be with you.

Though a lot of distance lies between us,

you'll always be in my mind and my heart,

And every night beneath the stars,

I pray for the day we'll never be part.

Every day I will be thinking about you. When my eyes are closed, when I sing and dance to a love song, when I'm checking my email, I will be thinking about you. When I go to sleep in the loneliness of my room and give in to wonderful dreams I will definitely be thinking about you.

I know someday we will meet and spend our lives with each other. I have waited for someone like you, and now that I have found you I will never let you go. I love you so much, 玥玥!!

Love Always,


Dear ,

We've been friends for so long. There have been lots of tears and so much laughter between us. I feel closer to you than anyone else. I've listened and hurt every time you fell in love, longing to be the one in your arms. I've been there for you when every one of your relationships fell apart. You listened and cried with me when we found out about the cancer and you stood by my side through all of it. Now is the time to tell you that the waiting is over.

The love you so desperately seek is here in my arms. You've often asked why I'm not interested in any of the men who hit on me when we're all out. I've always told you they weren't the one for me. Now I'm telling you that you are the one for me. You’re the one I dream about. No one can make me laugh like you, even when I'm knee deep in tears. The reason I've been alone for five longs years is this: I've been waiting for you to see the love in my eyes that's only for you. I'll wait forever if that’s how long it takes. I need you. I miss you when you’re gone, and I hurt when you’re sad. I love you, Brian, for everything you are.

Love Always,


Dear Mine:

Just for one reason, I love you so much.

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind, love included.

Therefore, day after day, I wonder why, I wonder how, I wonder where you are.

Time to go, I want to tell you how much I feel, and how much I love you.

When I think of you, the miles between us disappear.

Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill, even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble.

And the wonderful times we shared together shall always remain in my heart.

You are my little angel. Just having you close fills me with love and hope; nothing is impossible by your side.

It is only when I nearly lose you that I become fully conscious of how much I value you. Accordingly, I would say, “I love you” for millions and billions of times, and times and times again.

Everything comes and goes, but love stays. When you need someone, remember that I’d be there.

If I were in heaven, I’d write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me.

No matter how long the road may be in the future, please cherish every moment we shared together.

No matter how many years will pass away, please treasure our love till the last day.

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

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